I've included the roadmap for this work at the bottom of this page. As can be seen, I have not yet completed the work (the new version 8 remains in alpha) but I've done enough to feel happy about showing the world my progress to date.
The links below are to my working demos - I use demos as my testing environment, rather than use more traditional testing tools, because Scrawl-canvas is primarily an animation library. Note that v8α drops support for Internet Explorer and original versions of Edge; testing in other browsers outside of Chrome (on MacOSX) has been minimal to date.
I would really welcome feedback on this work - the best place to raise issues and suggestions will probably be on GitHub where the latest code resides in the v8-alpha branch.
Canvas 001 - Block and Wheel entitys (make, clone, method); drag and drop block and wheel entitys
Canvas 002 - Block and wheel entity positioning (start, pivot, mimic, mouse)
Canvas 005 - Cell-locked, and Entity-locked, gradients; animating gradients by delta, and by tween
Canvas 007 - Apply filters at the entity, group and cell level
Canvas 008 - Picture entity position; manipulate copy attributes
Canvas 009 - Pattern styles; Entity web link anchors; Dynamic accessibility
Canvas 010 - Use video sources and media streams for Picture entitys
Canvas 011 - Shape entity (make, clone, method); drag and drop shape entitys
Canvas 012 - Shape entity position; shape entity as a path for other artefacts to follow
Canvas 013 - Defined Shape entitys: oval, rectangle, line, quadratic, bezier, tetragon, polygon, star, spiral
Canvas 014 - Line, quadratic and bezier Shapes - control lock alternatives
Canvas 015 - Phrase entity (make, clone, method, multiline)
Canvas 016 - Phrase entity position and font attributes; Block mimic functionality
Canvas 017 - Phrase entity - test lineHeight, letterSpacing and justify attributes; setGlyphStyles() functionality
Canvas 020 - Testing createImageFromXXX functionality
DOM 001 - Loading the scrawl-canvas library using a script tag in the HTML code
DOM 002 - Element mouse, pivot and mimic functionality
DOM 003 - Dynamically create and clone Element artefacts; drag and drop elements (including SVG elements) around a Stack
DOM 004 - Limitless rockets (clone and destroy elements, tweens, tickers)
DOM 006 - Tween actions on a DOM element; tracking tween and ticker activity (analytics)
DOM 007 - Animate a DOM element using the delta attribute object; dynamically change classes on a DOM element
DOM 009 - Stop and restart the main animation loop; add and remove event listener; retrieve all artefacts at a given coordinate
DOM 010 - Add and remove (demolish) Scrawl-canvas stack elements programmatically
DOM 011 - Canvas controller 'fit' attribute; Cell positioning (mouse)
DOM 012 - Add and remove (demolish) Scrawl-canvas canvas elements programmatically
DOM-013 - Artefact collision detection - DOM artefacts
... beyond fixing all the TODO statements in the code ...